Donate to the Chicago Brass Band
Like many community ensembles, the Chicago Brass Band cannot survive without funding. Your donation helps us to improve the band, allowing us to continue to bring you a superior brass music experience. Your donation will be used to improve the band in one (or several) of the following ways:​
Renting rehearsal space
Procuring streaming rights
Booking soloists and guest artists
Expanding our library
Commissioning new music
Purchasing instruments
Repairing equipment
Student clinics
Joint concerts with local schools
Student outreach and relations
Performance venue rental
Recording new music
The Chicago Brass Band thanks you for your donation!
Our Donors
The Chicago Brass Band wishes to thank those who have been generous enough to donate and help us build a brighter musical future:​
Kathleen and Ray Billock
Mark and Erin Billock
Matt and Kiley Billock
Robert Brescia
Jodi Caldwell
Keith Cook
David Corkins
Jeff Crylen
Katherine Donelson
Ed Fitzgerald
Brigid and Art Gesell
Trupti Gokani, MD
Daniel Heffner
Susan Jarzembski
Craig and Karen Johnson
Kathleen Leahy
Michael R. Lewis
Andy and Beth Malovance
Debra Moore
Gregory Murray
Jack and Donna Painter
Stephen Pass
Don Phelps
George Quinlan
Bill Schmidt
Matthew Sheppard
Chris Stafford
Scott Szala
Joyce Turnbull
Evolution Yoga
Errin Ipjian

The Chicago Brass Band is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency